Cessna - Citation Sovereign
Preis enthält keine MwSt
Quick Link 12267
Baujahr | 2007 |
Standort des LFZ | Deutschland |
Gesamtzeit Zelle | approx. 4650 hrs |
Anbieterstatus: Flugzeughändler
Herr Hans Doll
Atlas Air Service AG
Hanna-Kunath-Straße 18
28199 Bremen
Telefon-Nr. +49 (0) 421 53658-711
Motor 1
Pratt & Whitney
Modell/Typ Motor(en)
Motor 2
Pratt & Whitney
Modell/Typ Motor(en)
EFIS Four-Tube Honeywell DU-1080 8”x10” MFD
FMS Dual Honeywell MC-850 w/ Change 5.2
GPS Dual Honeywell MC-850 w/ WAAS
CDU Dual Honeywell CC-950
ADC Dual Honeywell AZ-200
NAV Dual Honeywell MRC 855
RMI Dual Honeywell MRC 855
DME Dual Honeywell DM-855
ADF Single Honeywell DF-855
AHC Dual Rockwell Collins AHC-3000 (AHRS)
AFCS Single Honeywell GP400 Flight
Guidance Control
A/P Single Honeywell GP400 Flight Guidance Control
AUDIO Single Honeywell AV-850A Audio Panel
VHF COM Dual Honeywell VHF TR865A
HF COM Single Honeywell KHF-1050 with SELCAL
RADAR Single Honeywell Primus WX-880 Color Radar
Transponder Dual Honeywell XS-875A mode (Enhanced Surveillance)
ELT C406-N EGPWS Single Honeywell Primus Epic w/ RAAS
TCAS Single L3 Communications /TAWS Honeywell
CVR Single L-3 Communications FA-2100
FDR Single L-3 Communications FA-2100
Electronic Charts
Honeywell EGPWS and Windshear Warning
BizjetMobile Wifi
Baggage: Externally accessible heated baggage area, largest in its class
Double-Club Configuration: 4 + 4 Seats with four executive tables
RH Fwd Side Facing Seat
LH Fwd Coat Closet
RH Fwd Galley with microwave oven and hot water urn
Aft enclosed lav, externally serviceable with storage (non-belted)
Aircell/Gogo ST-3100 Sat Phone with cabin and cockpit handsets
Nespresso Machine
Large Ice Drawer
Cabin-length indirect LED Lighting
Six Outlets (four in Cabin, one in Cockpit, one in Lavatory)
Extended Range Oxygen System
Pulse Light System and Tail Flood Light
Pylon Work Lights
Pulse Light System
Precise Flight Cabin Information Display System
APU enrolled in AUX Advantage
CAMP Maintenance Program
Iridium Satcom Antenna
All maintenance current
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