Neue und gebrauchte Motoren, Triebwerksteile, Komponenten des Antriebsstrangs

Lycoming O-320-E2D Wide Deck
Up for sale is my Lycoming O-320-E2D Aircraft engine, almost new Engine with a very low time on it.
Continental O-470-R
Complete Firewall forward with Engine Mount, Accessories, Intake Air Box . Continental O-470-R 1050 hours SMOH. Accesories included
Continental C-75
Continental C-75 engine complete with accessories. Low time since overhaul. No Prop Strike.
Walter 601D
High power Walter 601D engine for sale. Don't miss this opportunity!Upgrade and get your aircraft soaring with a powerful and reliable Walter 601D engine. All pictures and logs available. contact us
Telefonnummer: +17472214169

Continental O-200-A
Low hours engine, 323 hours since major overhaul. No prop Strike removed from a Cessna 150g with damaged tail by a collapsed hangar door. Engine is with accessories. Contact for inquiries and pictures of Log.
Engine with Accessories No Prop Strike. Logs, pictures and additional details per request.Telefonnummer: +17472214169

Lycoming IO360-A1A
Engine with Accessories No Prop Strike. Logs, pictures and additional details per request.Telefonnummer: +17472214169

Engine with Accessories No Prop Strike. Logs, pictures and additional details per request.Telefonnummer: +17472214169

Continental IO-470-D
Engine was removed from aircraft due to upgrade to an IO-550, No damage history, low hours since overhaul. TT 5368hrs.
MTV-6-A/187-129 Propeller
Neuwertiger MTV-6-A/187-129 Propeller aus Projektaufgabe zu verkaufenDer Propeller benötigt ein OH. OH bei MT kostet rund 4.000€ plus MwSt. Neuer Propeller kostet 11.000€ plus MwSt. (38-40 Wochen Lieferzeit)
Macht mir einfach ein Angebot
Telefonnummer: 06026995455