MT-Propeller erhält renommierten AIRBUS Helicopters Innovation Award

Airbus Helicopters Supplier Conference

Während der Airbus Helicopters Supplier Conference im März 2023 wurde dem deutschen Luftfahrtbetrieb MT-Propeller von Airbus der “Innovation Award”, ein Innovationspreis für den Beitrag des Zulieferers zum Airbus Eurocopter X3 Program, jetzt das Airbus Racer Programm, überreicht.

MT-Propeller beliefert den Luftfahrzeughersteller mit Rotoren und hydraulischen Stellmotoren.

Wie ein Firmensprecher des Propellerherstellers dem AEROMARKT gegenüber sagte, sei die Firma auf die Verleihung eines derart hochkarätigen Preises sehr stolz. MT-Propeller werde auch weiterhin den andauernden Innovationsprozeß zur zukünftigen Ausrichtung der Luftfahrt hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit dauerhaft unterstützen.

Von links nach rechts: Antoine Baux (Chief Procurement Officer Airbus), Dr. Tomasz Krysinski (Head of Research and Innovation Airbus), Gerd Mühlbauer (President and Founder MT-Propeller), Martin Albrecht (Vice President, General Manager MT-Propeller).

About MT-Propeller

MT-Propeller is the world leading natural composite propeller manufacturer with 30 certified propeller models from 2-blade to 7-blade hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 5000hp, and 2-blade to 4-blade electrically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 350hp as well as two blade fixed pitch propellers.

The high performance, light weight and durable MT-Propellers can be used on aircraft with piston engines and propeller turbines, as well as on airships, wind tunnels and hovercraft. MT-Propellers can be developed for nearly every aircraft type from motor gliders to regional airliners.

Fulfilling the highest certification requirements they are also supplemental type certified on Part 25 aircraft.

MT-Propeller is holder of over 220 STCs worldwide and OEM supplier for more than 90% of the European Aircraft Industry as well as 30% of the US Aircraft Industry. More than 28 000 propeller systems with more than 90 000 blades are in service.

180 Million fleet hours where already performed on MT-Propellers.

With the longest industry TBO of 4500 hours or 6 years for the 5-bladed turbo prop MT-Propeller has proven the reliability over years.

A factory certified network of 62 service centers, provides best service and maintenance all over the world.

MT-PROPELLER Entwicklung GmbH
Airport Straubing-Wallmuehle
D-94348 Atting - Germany
phone: +49-(0)9429-9409-0
fax: +49-(0)9429-8432


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