
International Old-Timer Fly-Drive-In

We would like to inform you of the 38th FLY IN of old planes, organised at the Schaffen-Diest airfield (EBDT) August 11th up to and including 13th 2023.

This Fly In is also the 38th gathering, outside Italian borders, of planes like Falco, Picchio, Nibbio, SF260 designed by engineer Stelio Frati.

Amateur-built and certain historic aircraft registered in European - Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) member states no longer require- a permit to over fly Belgian territory for 30 days in a calendar year.

We hope to welcome, as in the previous years, umpteen planes from France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, …

During the weekend, each team will enjoy following benefits :
- a lunch offered to each member of crew
- the possibility to stay overnight at the airfield (camping)
- shuttle transport to and from different hotels around
- a barbecue on Saturday evening, while enjoying music of a live band.

During these 3 days, demonstrations will include appearances of Old Timers and Ultra Light Aircraft. Also, several clubs of Old-timer Cars have agreed to come over and exhibit - we have seen over 1.500 vehicles in 2022!


11.08.2023 - 13.08.2023


Diest Aero Club vzw


Nieuwe Dijkstraat 77
B-3290 Diest



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