Responding to the Unexpected
In-flight anomalies
The thing with the altimeter
Why a correct setting is so important
Why is flying with a correct altimeter setting so important? This is shown in the following two images. Quiz-time: which altimeter is set correctly?
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Your Alternator Just Failed
Now What?
Unintentionally in the clouds
How to survive!
Air Alliance Flight Center
Bonn-Hangelar traning facility certified
As of February 1st, 2017 Air Alliance Flight Center GmbH has received the official approval by the German authorities of their training facility at
The Low-Vis Takeoff
Usually not a good idea
The four steps of spin recovery
How to escape the Spin
Have you ever practiced a spin? If you have (and even if you haven't), you've probably heard the recovery acronym "PARE". But do you know what each step is for?
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The 50/70 Rule
Is there enough Runway left?
Ice and Tail Stalls
Why does the Tail ice up quicker?
Caution Wake Turbulence
How to avoid danger