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c/o Jet Stores Handels GmbH
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Aircraft Dealer Listings


New distributor in Germany
BAS aircraft GmbH, up until now responsible for sales in Germany, will conclude selling BRISTELL aircraft in Germany at the end of 2024. Effective January 1st, 2025, BRISTELL Sales
Growing Electrifly-In Switzerland
This year's Electrifly-In Switzerland, which was held this weekend at the Swiss Federal Air Force base at Bern Airport, was a success. The event focussed entirely on sustainable aviation
Subsidiary takes over Egli Paint, Switzerland
AAL AG, based in Altenrhein, Switzerland, has been the sole shareholder of the aircraft painting company Egli Paint GmbH, also based in Altenrhein, since July 1st, 2024.Since its foundation
In Bavaria, the home of many world-known corporations, like Audi, BMW, Siemens and 600,000 mid-sized companies, the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger, awarded on
Atlas Sales Team certified as IADA Certified Broker
Bremen, 15th July 2024 - Atlas Air Service has been an accredited member of the International Aircraft Dealers Association (IADA) for just a year. The IADA requires its members to adhere
Phase-out of Avgas 100LL is getting closer
Note: there is an even more up-to-date info by AOPA Germany on this subject which is available here (in German).


Marcus Extra New German Unlimited Freestyle Aerobatic Champion
The 2024 German National Championship concluded on July 1st, 2024 at Welzow Airport. Much applause and congratulations were showered on the new German Champion in this extremely demanding
CJ4 for Helsinki Citykopter
A lot has happened since Atlas Air Service successfully brokered a Cessna Citation CJ4 to Helsinki Citycopter at the beginning of the year. The Finnish company, headquartered in Helsinki,
VFR flights within the Schengen area
AOPA Netherlands proposed to abolish the obligation to submit a flight plan for flights to surrounding countries in certain cases. That request has been honored. The relevant regulations
Phase-out of Avgas 100LL is getting closer
What is currently happening in the USA and Europe on the matter? There is no doubt that the time of leaded Avgas 100LL is coming to an end. On the one hand, there are  environmental
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