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managing director Dieter Stricker
c/o Jet Stores Handels GmbH
Airportallee 1, Halle 2, 1. OG
48268 Greven, Germany

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Aircraft Dealer Listings


Does the Technical Logbook affect an aircraft's value?
As the owner of K-aircraft Jets & Props, I have often noticed in my work as an aircraft broker that many owners of aircraft registered in Germany are unaware of the importance of a
Extremly successful start
Friedrichshafen, December 17, 2024 : Three months after launching the new AERO Business Aviation Show Hub (AERO BASH) the new platform for the European Business Aviation sees strong
Growing Electrifly-In Switzerland
The 2024 Electrifly-In Switzerland at the Swiss Federal Air Force base at Bern Airport, was a success. The event focussed entirely on sustainable aviation and was attended by interested
Europe's first Gogo Galileo HDX STC after successfully installation in an Embraer Phenom 300 expected
Atlas Air Service AG is the first European maintenance organization to expect a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the Gogo Galileo HDX satellite connectivity system. In cooperation
Extra Aircraft Maintenance now Part CAO certified
Extra Aircraft Maintenance, a German aviation maintenance company located at the airfield of Dinslaken (EDLD), and a separate part of the well-known aircraft manufacturer, wish to inform
FAA STC for Diamond DA20-A1 & HOAC DV20 Katana
Atting, November 2024 • MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH has received the FAA STC SA11838IB for the installation of the 2-blade hydraulic constant speed propeller MTV-21-A/170-05 on the
New requirement
AOPA Germany inform us that holders of FAA licenses will have to provide the FAA with a postal address inside the United States before July 7th, 2025. For newly obtained FAA licenses
New “entry fee” and stricter requirements for travel to the UK
Travel to the United Kingdom will become more difficult in the future (from April 2025). In addition to the mandatory GAR (General Aviation Report), an Electronic Travel Authorization
MT Propeller opens three new production buildings
After a construction period of about two years, MT-Propeller has now opened three new buildings (the three huge buildings in the middle of the picture) with a total of about 8,000 sqm
New distributor in Germany
BAS aircraft GmbH, up until now responsible for sales in Germany, will conclude selling BRISTELL aircraft in Germany at the end of 2024. Effective January 1st, 2025, BRISTELL Sales
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