Worlds first 9 bladed prop
Flight test program started
Atting, March 2019 - The world’s first 9 bladed prop started its flight test program on March 11th,2019 and initial results are very promising, as reported by German pro manufacturer MT-Propeller. The company’s press release continues:
“Function, handling and operation of the aircraft is like those props have been in service already for years.

The world’s first 9 bladed prop, made by MT-Propeller, has started its flight test program.
This new development is made for low noise, high performance future airplanes driven by electric powered engines, turbine engines or geared piston engines for propellers with low RPM.
Depending on propeller driven airplane designs, top speeds of up to 430 KTAS are realizable with such a installation, by reducing at the same time the fuel consumption to a turbo prop from a jet.
MT-Propeller proves with this milestone that the innovation in propeller driven airplanes is just at the beginning.
Flying a Jet comfort airplane powered by props combined with the lowest fuel consumption becomes a near future.
Watch the video of the Cheyenne test aircraft powered by PT6A-135A turboprop engines flying by at 220 KIAS and 1700RPM with max Torque.
About MT-Propeller
MT-Propeller is the world leading natural composite propeller manufacturer with 30 certified propeller models from 2-blade to 7-blade hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 5000hp, and 2-blade to 4-blade electrically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 350hp as well as two blade fixed pitch propellers.
The high performance, light weight and durable MT-Propellers can be used on aircraft with piston engines and propeller turbines, as well as on airships, wind tunnels and hovercraft. MT-Propellers can be developed for nearly every aircraft type from motor gliders to regional airliners.
Fulfilling the highest certification requirements they are also supplemental type certified on Part 25 aircraft.
MT-Propeller is holder of over 210 STCs worldwide and OEM supplier for more than 90% of the European Aircraft Industry as well as 30% of the US Aircraft Industry. 22 000 propeller systems with more than 74 000 blades are in service. 150 Million fleet hours where already performed on MT-Propellers. 37 years ago, the first MT-Propeller was shipped.
A factory certified network of 62 service centers, provides best service and maintenance all over the world.
MT-PROPELLER Entwicklung GmbH
Airport Straubing-Wallmuehle
D-94348 Atting - Germany
phone: +49-(0)9429-9409-0
fax: +49-(0)9429-8432
“Function, handling and operation of the aircraft is like those props have been in service already for years.

The world’s first 9 bladed prop, made by MT-Propeller, has started its flight test program.
This new development is made for low noise, high performance future airplanes driven by electric powered engines, turbine engines or geared piston engines for propellers with low RPM.
Depending on propeller driven airplane designs, top speeds of up to 430 KTAS are realizable with such a installation, by reducing at the same time the fuel consumption to a turbo prop from a jet.
MT-Propeller proves with this milestone that the innovation in propeller driven airplanes is just at the beginning.
Flying a Jet comfort airplane powered by props combined with the lowest fuel consumption becomes a near future.
Watch the video of the Cheyenne test aircraft powered by PT6A-135A turboprop engines flying by at 220 KIAS and 1700RPM with max Torque.
About MT-Propeller
MT-Propeller is the world leading natural composite propeller manufacturer with 30 certified propeller models from 2-blade to 7-blade hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 5000hp, and 2-blade to 4-blade electrically controlled variable pitch propeller, for engines producing up to 350hp as well as two blade fixed pitch propellers.
The high performance, light weight and durable MT-Propellers can be used on aircraft with piston engines and propeller turbines, as well as on airships, wind tunnels and hovercraft. MT-Propellers can be developed for nearly every aircraft type from motor gliders to regional airliners.
Fulfilling the highest certification requirements they are also supplemental type certified on Part 25 aircraft.
MT-Propeller is holder of over 210 STCs worldwide and OEM supplier for more than 90% of the European Aircraft Industry as well as 30% of the US Aircraft Industry. 22 000 propeller systems with more than 74 000 blades are in service. 150 Million fleet hours where already performed on MT-Propellers. 37 years ago, the first MT-Propeller was shipped.
A factory certified network of 62 service centers, provides best service and maintenance all over the world.
MT-PROPELLER Entwicklung GmbH
Airport Straubing-Wallmuehle
D-94348 Atting - Germany
phone: +49-(0)9429-9409-0
fax: +49-(0)9429-8432